Two Minute Talks to Improve Psychological and Behavioral Health by John F. Clabby
Two Minute Talks to Improve Psychological and Behavioral Health by John F. Clabby PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
'There are important books that focus a full effort on a painful emotion such as depression or panic. Frankly, many troubled people do not directly present with such complaints. Instead, they speak about marital stress, upset about making an oral presentation, dealing with a mean-spirited co-worker, poor nutritional habits, handling uncooperative children or early adolescents, and domestic violence. They want practical guidance about those content areas as well.'- John F Clabby. Health professionals confronted with symptoms of mental and emotional distress often lack knowledge of how to respond to the situations that underlie them, or feel unable to address them in time-limited consultations. This can lead many to either adopt an empathetic listening approach which fails to address underlying causes effectively, or avoid asking their patients and clients about their psychosocial lives at all. Two Minute Talks to Improve Psychological and Behavioral Health takes a unique approach to this common dilemma. It provides concise, pragmatic and matter-of-fact advice which health professionals can use to effectively address the most common underlying causes of distress, such as work, family or relationship difficulties, poor nutritional habits, domestic violence and grief. Although firmly evidence-based, it avoids unnecessary detail to provide a practical reference which can either be read in its entirety or used as a quick reference of clear, accessible advice and strategies that patients can put into use. It is an essential addition to the toolbox of all health professionals who want to provide effective, responsive and empathetic care to their clients in time-limited situations. 'This book will reveal to you talents and results you did not believe possible. It will re-energize your approach to care, and make it fun to talk with and get to know your patients'. - from the Foreword by Kenneth Faistl.From reader reviews:
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