Designing Sorting Networks: A New Paradigm by Sherenaz W. Al-Haj Baddar, Kenneth E. Batcher
Designing Sorting Networks: A New Paradigm by Sherenaz W. Al-Haj Baddar, Kenneth E. Batcher PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Designing Sorting Networks: A New Paradigm provides an in-depth guide to maximizing the efficiency of sorting networks, and uses 0/1 cases, partially ordered sets and Haase diagrams to closely analyze their behavior in an easy, intuitive manner.This book also outlines new ideas and techniques for designing faster sorting networks using Sortnet, and illustrates how these techniques were used to design faster 12-key and 18-key sorting networks through a series of case studies.
Finally, it examines and explains the mysterious behavior exhibited by the fastest-known 9-step 16-key network. Designing Sorting Networks: A New Paradigm is intended for advanced-level students, researchers and practitioners as a reference book. Academics in the fields of computer science, engineering and mathematics will also find this book invaluable.
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